The Difference Between Technical, Job Specific and Developmental Assessments
Online Assessments help employees improve their effectiveness – from the hiring process to the development of senior leaders, assessments are a proven and effective tool to help maximise the potential of any workforce.
Technical Assessments: Its Technicalities and Importance in Recruitment
Using technical assessments, hosted on technology-led platforms such as SimplyMustard’s, enables recruiters to find the best candidates.
Discover the 3 SECRETS That Will INCREASE Your Staff’s Performance by 41%!
With SimplyMustard and CRG you can discover the 3 secrets that will increase your staff’s performance by 41%.
Keep Your Workforce Motivated While Working From Home
The current and future post-COVID work environment has changed and some may say that it could never return to what we now call “pre-COVID normal.” Most workforces are now divided between a percentage working from the traditional centralized office environment and the balance working remotely or working from home. But what can companies do to […]
Why SimplyMustard?
Simplify your recruitment and assessment process with SimplyMustard, a Smart Virtual Assessment Centre that is very easy to use.